int Main Page();
void Projects();
void Photoalbum();
void Contacts();

#define ENG DEU RUS
TProject * FanControl_2()


My server is located under a table, and there is not enough fresh air to cool down it properly. Because of that i have decided to make some forced cooling.

I have made two holes on each of two table legs and put four fans into it. How that looks like is not so interesting, but Control Unit can be viewed under FanControl_2.

Control Unit is based on AVR ATMega 128 microcontroller. As temperature sensors KTY81-120

are used.

In a second version i have made some hardware changes. Also there is some changes in temperature calculation so the Motors by small temperature changes not so strong speed fluctuation have.

Schematic and sources are below.


typedef struct {

TPAItem MainModuleSchematic.pdf

TPAItem LCDAndButtonsSchematic.pdf

TPAItem KTY81-1_PHI.pdf


TPAItem FanControl_2_V_2_0_SourceCode.rar

TPAItem FanControl_2_V_1_0_SourceCode.rar

TPAItem Atmega128-Full+Errata.pdf
} TProjectAttachments;
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