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#define ENG DEU RUS
TProject * Big Led Watch()


I hav found a Led Indicator at our firms waste plase. And i thought that it might be a good watch, based on it. It has a little damadge and there was no problem to fix it.

Module consist of four 7x5 Leds and a controller MAX6953

And there is a watch.

It cans show a time (ofcourse :) ), there is a stop watch mode, timer mode, also it shows date and day of week. Also there is a software module to play a melody from a cell phone in a form of notes from Nokia 3310. If it compilled together, then the wath will paling it.

But, as usual, there was not too much time to make it until the End. And there are some ToDo's
- Weak up modes;
- Communicatio with PC via USB (only debug outputs are on);
- PC Software, that will done all communication stuff;
- and some cosmetic things;

There is some changes in hardware in compare to schematic. An Speaker was connected to PWM output of controller, to be able to play melodies.

To show the Watch go here.

Schematic and PCBs are below.


typedef struct {

TPAItem SchematicPrints.pdf

TPAItem PcbPrintTop.pdf

TPAItem PcbPrinBottom.pdf

TPAItem MAX6953.pdf

TPAItem LedDispSrc.rar

} TProjectAttachments;
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